Sunday, June 29, 2008

I know I'm loved because of bugs

Sean is my little "cuddle bug". He rarely says, "I love you", but he loves hugs, kisses, and cuddles on the couch. He has even been known to tell me, "I like you and I like your baby". But lately my love notes have come through bugs. Sean spots every bug...lady bugs on the sidewalk, flies out his car window and even a queen ant in the house (gross!). He always takes notice of the bugs and then asks, "Where is his Mama?". He needs to know where the Mama is...everytime. That being said the day we checked out the queen ant could have ended badly. Luke was telling us all about queen ants, and the numerous offspring she has. It probably wasn't wise to then end the science lesson by "squishing" the ant. (It was in my house afterall). Sean's eyes got as wide as saucers and he looked at me seriously and asked, "How can you fix her? The babies need her!" OOOPS!

It must be Sunday

Sean keeps track of the days. Every morning he asks his Dad if it is Sunday. Why? Because Sunday is "shaving day". Sean gets a razor, minus a blade, shaving cream and the mirror. He and Daddy (and sometimes Luke and even Sarah) shave. Then comes aftershave. Sean screams with delight and does a little "shaving dance" on Sunday. He loves the time with his Dad.

We play hard

We play hard around here, and we are usually quite busy. There are swimming lessons, school lessons, piano lessons, the swing set, bikes, toys, projects, and chores. Now I have the proof that every once in awhile we need a break. This was Sarah at breakfast a few days ago. I had to send her back to bed....and she actually fell back to sleep!

Mess Makers

This shaving cream play is one of Mindy's ideas....only when her kids do it, it doesn't turn into this. They were "supposed" to be practicing alphabet letters....or not. The one perk is, clean-up is easy. The kitchen smells clean when you are done.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The "Twilight Zone"

I keep waiting for the theme song and the voice over.....because I think I'm in the "Twilight Zone". Late last week, I took Sean for his 3 year old check-up. Like all my kids, he loves going to the doctor. He listened to all the directions the doctor gave him, and he "performed" like a champ. Then the doctor announced the shots. Sean didn't flinch at the thought. The nurse came in, and I assumed the position all moms of little ones know. I held down his arms and legs and nurse prepared to jab. (Usually kids get scared about then....not Sean). The nurse stuck him and we awaited tears. There weren't any.....he didn't look scared, he didn't tighten up any muscle in response. He just talked to the nurse and me. I was a bit surprised, and told Sean he had one more to get. He said, "OK." She jabbed his other arm. He laughed and told us it tickled! I wish I had a video camera because while my other two do well with shots, none of them ever did this well. He got two bandaids, of which he was very proud. He asked for a lollipop. He gave high fives all around (mom, nurse, doctor, other nurses who were astonished as well). Then we strolled out. He looked like he "owned the place". Like I was the Twilight Zone. Oh yeah, and Sean's question for the doctor...."Do I pee in the cup like Mom?" No buddy, that is just for OB visits.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Meet Mikelson

We've been fortunate to have a housemate for the last 3 weeks. Mikelson is a med student from FSU who is here in Tampa for a month to "shadow" the Ophtho department where Patrick works. He needed a place to stay, and we are always up for an adventure, so he came to our place. He works quite a bit, like Patrick, but when he is around the kids are sure to be in tow. They like to play chess, games, and read books together. We've been known to abuse him for some babysitting too! Today, Sean asked, "How much longer do we keep him? They'll all be sad when he leaves next week.

Fathers Day...belated

For Father's Day we went to Mass and out for breakfast. Then we put in a full day at Busch Gardens. The kids love it, and Luke is turning into a ride-a-holic.......roller-coasters, lose your lunch spin rides, and even that pirate boat that sways back and forth---all the way upside down, have been conquered by Luke. Patrick tried a roller-coaster with Luke in the spirit of Father's Day....he came off green, and Luke got back in line. The little ones love all the kiddie rides and the shows. Sarah is the most timid when it comes to trying new rides, but Sean benefits by always having a ride mate. Sean looks like he'll be another Luke, he cries sometimes when we tell him he is too small for a ride. It was a great day, spent with a great Dad!

Preschool teacher

Sean loves to do school with the rest of the kids. When mom is busy with Luke or papers, Sarah makes a fantastic teacher. Sean loves to follow her directions, and she is so very patient with him. Yay for big sisters!

Man in the kitchen

On a recent quiet afternoon, I stole some inspiration from my friend Mindy, and invited Luke to the kitchen for a cooking lesson. I sat in a chair for questions and moral support, which was really nice for my big, baby belly, and Luke whipped up a batch of zucchini muffins. He did a great job, and we all enjoyed the muffins. He is expanding his skills to include a scrambled omlet and toast too!

When it pours!

After awakening from our night of poop, life resumed as normal. And then Sean had an accident...not sick, just playing with legos, and too busy to stop. And then, I learned an important lesson. Do not give dogs table food. We never do this, but in honor of our anniversary we let Bosco have the steak bone. He loved it! Only the next day his tummy didn't. After returning from an errand, I faced more "surprise poop" of the dog variety. Luckily we have tile! And then I laughed, like a mad woman. And the kids laughed too. We laughed for a long time, because when it rains it pours!

Our "poopy" marriage

A few days ago, Patrick and I celebrated 10 years of wedded bliss. In the middle of a crazy busy week, with school, vacation bible school, two birthday parties, and chores, I didn't have too much time to think about it. Infact, all Patrick received was a nice dinner of steak, potatoes, salad, cheese and bread. However, late that night God provided time for me to ponder this adventure we are on. A "lower bowel" illness, hit two of the kids in the middle of the night. So Patrick and I comforted, showered, and changed children. We settled them in on our floor for the rest of the night. Somehow, we got entangled in a "teaching moment" with one of the kids. (I've learned when God provides the take it!) We woke up with kids throughout the night to help the kids. In the midst of wiping a little tush at one point, I looked up to see my husband comforting another, and realized how blessed I am. I am blessed with wonderful children and the opportunity to be with them daily. And I share in this venture with a gentle, honest, fun, hardworking man who provides for us all. When we settled back into bed at one point, Patrick laughed....."the first ten started with Mass and a party, this one is starting with a lot of s--t!". I pray for 60+ more years of adventure......and less poop would be better!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

She's a brick house.....

Sometimes songs can sum it up better than mere words. And while I'm not sure what the words to that song mean, I "feel" like it refers to I wouldn't have it any other way. We are so excited for baby to arrive in August. By then we might have to change the word house to skyrise or something.


He's 3......he's dressed......he's stylin'

He's 3!

Last weekend we celebrated Sean's 3rd birthday. One of the gifts of parenthood is watching your little ones turn into little people, and I am remembering how this really happens around age 3. Sean is so many things to our family. He is a crazy, energy-filled boy who likes to play air guitar (not sure how that happened.....ohh was his big cousins and guitar hero). He is an admiring brother who loves to be a big boy like his big brother. He is a playful little brother who loves to play house with his gentle sister. He is our comedian who makes us laugh with his facial expressions and use of vocabulary like ridiculous...etc... He is our snuggle bug, who often will ask for cuddle time, hugs, and kisses. He is thoughtful and considerate to his siblings, willing to share and compromise to make them happy. He is anticipating life as a big brother, and he often asks about the baby, when it will come, how he will play with it, etc. He is our family man. He always needs to know where his siblings are and he hates to leave them behind, ever....this includes the dog. I can't wait to see how he will grow this year. We thank God for blessing our family with such a special boy.