Thursday, January 28, 2010

A scarf?

She is learning to knit from kind friends who are willing to teach. I think this may be a scarf. I stand will be baby doll scarf. It is fun to watch Sarah try to learn all things domestic. She wants to sew, knit, crochet....too bad I can do so little. Crafty friends are a blessing.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Florida Friends

Last week we had friends up for a visit for the week. Our big adventures were a hike to South Mountains park. It was beautiful. We hiked along a river and saw a huge water-fall. Now this is more impressive because of the ice we traveled over (and on) during our hike. Due to such freakishly-cold temperatures here pretty much the entire path was a sheet of ice. And the falls themselves were frozen in parts. This was beautiful for all of us, but amazing for our friends who had never seen real snow, or ice, or icicles. I successfully navigated the trek up the mountain path with Max on my back. I prayed to his guardian angel nearly the entire time. Thankfully, the dad with us took Max on the way down, as I fell several times, along with the rest of the kids. No injuries to report. The kids got to sled a bit in the backyard, and now, finally, the snow has melted. We spent an afternoon at the local science museum as well. And last, but not least, Robert helped Patrick with some handy-man jobs around the house. They cut a whole in the wall so we can create a Jack-n-Jill bathroom! It was great to spend time with friends.

Mama's littlest wrestler

Sean is the smallest wrestler in the leauge. He likes practice and sometimes matches. Like those matches where he pins kids. However, he isn't a big fan of wrestling kids that are bigger (this could be age, height, or weight....and usually is inaccurate, but Sean will insist), or of having his head hit the mat hard. Infact, he suggested he could keep wrestling if dad would buy him a "wrestling helmet" so his head wouldn't get hurt. Not much of a market for those I'm afraid. So currently he wrestles the first match of a tournament, and then we try to encourage him to wrestle other matches. Hasn't worked yet. I recently tried candy as a bribe. That didn't work either. He is so stinking cute in his singlet that it doesn't really matter!

Where did it go?

It seems like only yesterday.....I hear older mothers and grandmothers quote me that line often. I'm guaranteed the line when I am coaching a nine-year old on navigating a cart (buggy...I am in the South now) through the aisles of the grocery store, while having my heels clipped by the four year old pushing one of those "shopper in training" carts behind me, while balancing a squirmy toddler on my hip, and tossing my head back to glance at the daughter bringing up the rear and fetching missing items. At those moments I am thankful for the reminder, and more thankful for the kindness in the comment when more biting comments could and are often made. But rarely do I find myself amazed at how fast the time has truly gone. Recently, I found the thought leap into my mind as I stared at my nine year-old son from behind the camera. Gone are those yellow curls and chubby cheeks. Gone as well is the little potbelly and thighs with numerous rolls. Infact, his legs are quite long, and his arms are becoming quite strong. Thanks to wrestling practice he can now drop and give nearly as many push-ups as his father asks. And Luke will laugh when challenging Patrick to "drop and double it". As a homeschooling mom I am often amazed--or frustrated-at the learning taking place by my children. We read, we solve problems, we discuss things and make messes. However, as a mom in the stands watching a sport such as wrestling, I am amazed at what my son can do physically. These are the moments when time surprises me. Weren't we just learning to catch a ball? I remember laughing at his toddler run, now I laugh at his baby brother. We've had baseball and soccer and football, and Luke has learned things through them all. Now I am amazed at this new sport. A sport with a team of one. I am impressed at his drive to learn. His calm nature before his turn on the mat. The fact he can eat and laugh and joke knowing he'll be up in only minutes. I am surprised by his focus and concentration as he works his moves. His focus on his father who coaches and calls out moves mid-match. I am impressed with the coaching he receives from his father. The focus of which worked hard, you didn't give up, you listened well, you took a risk, you didn't cry, I am proud of you. All of which will serve him well as he grows, which I see is happening so quickly. Those nights of the stubborn baby who needed to scream for exactly twenty minutes before falling into dreamland are now replaced by late arrivals home after practice and peanut butter bread snacks before bed. Now I wake him in the morning because of the late practice the night before......the time flew...just like they said it would. I suppose it was those bedtime tears caused by the baby that made it so hard to see initially. Now, I fear it will be my own tears over time pressing on to cloud my view.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cause and Effect

Disclaimer: We do not condone the "shooting" of any person with any toy weapons. However, my husband found it hilarious that Max would get hit and then repeatedly bring him back the darts to shoot again. He did this many times.

The second video displays the behavior that is now often seen after dinner for some reason. I will break this habit. But, he is my forth baby. And it is pretty darn cute!

Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve was wonderful as we spent it at Mass and then with friends and our wonderful priest. Christmas morning was memorable as it became the Christmas of firearms and weapons. (We do live in the South now people!) Luke's favorite gift was his airsoft gun given under much duress by his Grandparents. He has spent many hours shooting pellets, collecting the pellets, washing the pellets... Sean got a "real" bow and arrow that has been enjoyed by the whole family...the wall of the garage proves it. Certain boys will purchase spackle and repair the holes in the near future. Sean also got a six-shooter cap gun....that Max loves. He doesn't have many words, but "Bang" is now one of them. And a trampoline for all. A certain elf stayed up very late into the night putting it together. It was rainy and about 38 degrees, so I hope Santa gives him a reward!

More snow pictures

The Big Snow

We had a white Christmas and much fun in the snow. Now, due to such unseasonably cold weather we are still waiting for the last of it to melt. It hasn't ever stayed this long here....ever!

Big Spender

Unfortunately, it looks like she will have my skill at gift giving.