Friday, March 9, 2007

Blessings and curses of healthfood

Just a friendly food is great. For example...we have a bag of dried apricots on the counter. When the kiddos are itching for a snack, and I'm busy, they grab apricots. But beware... a busy mom in the kitchen may hand a 2 year old many, many, many apricots while cooking dinner, to keep his whinning down to a minimum. SOME moms may forget how many apricots are sensible, and allow her little one to eat way too many over the course of 12-24 short hours. This is apparently the curse of health food. It tastes good....they like it....they eat it. Moms then change many, many, many diapers (and t-shirts, and pants, even shoes and socks) Next time I'll opt for potato chips!

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