Monday, April 7, 2008

We are still alive!

Well....we are still alive. Life has just been busy, and the blog has been neglected. Better the blog than the kids, husband, or laundry, I suppose. Where have we been...? Well lets see, friends from Cincinnati came for a visit, then Grampy, then we crammed in some school before we went to San Antonio to visit friends, then immediately after we flew to Nags Head, North Carolina for the "Kelty Family Reunion", then we came back and got back into the "grove", then there was baseball and gymnastics, and did I mention school??? Just today I forced myself to download all the photos and decided to update the blog. A gentle reminder call from a friend urged me on as she questioned, "You don't call, you don't blog, are you ok?" We are ok, infact, we are great, we are just a busy crew.

San Antonio was a blast as our 3 kids got to visit with our friends 5. These are our best friends from medical school, we had babies together(and then they took the lead), ate together, studied was so fun to catch up. And learn from another family.

Nags Head was a blessing as well. It is fun for all the Keltys to catch up, and wonderful for our kids to play with their cousins. The cold temperatures did not stop SWIMMING (in the pool and ocean)! There was basketball and tennis and tunnel building in the sand. There was movies and guitar hero, and candy land.... and a trip to the largest sand dune on the east coast. It was windy and sandy, and alot like I envision Eygpt. I am still digging sand out of my ears.

More updates to follow!

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