Monday, May 5, 2008

First Communion and May Crowning

Luke made his First, Holy Communion a few weeks ago. Wouldn't you know that my camera died before the event happened. I am waiting for Grandpa to send some pictures. It was a beautiful, special day. Last Friday, we had a May crowing with our homeschool friends and the First Communicants got to lead the event.
Mary, my mother, join me now in a mother's prayer that, through the special graces of motherhood, my little child may instruct me in the ways of God: that its innocent eyes may speak to me of the spotless holiness of Jesus; that its open smile may continually remind me of the great love God has for his creatures; that its helplessness may teach me the unbounded power of God; and that its first feeble efforts to speak may tell me of God's wisdom. Pray with me now that its complete trust in me may lead me to a like confidence in God, and that its simple affection for me may bring me to a greater love for Him. And so, in all these things, may I grow in a greater appreciation of my holy motherhood, and day by day reflect more faithfully the radiant beauty manifest in your motherhood, which God gave us as the model of all Christian motherhood. Mother of Mothers, pray for me! (A. Francis Coomes, S.J.)

1 comment:

Pierce Family said...

Congratulations Luke, what a big step. You must be so proud of your boy!!