Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Bees

One evening we saw tons of bees swarming outside in our front yard. Upon inspection later, I thought I saw a bee hive in our tree. As it turns out, one of our neighbors was a bee keeper at some time past. (All of life's "problems" can be solved by someone on my block!) He came and got the bees out of the tree. Actually, it wasn't a hive. It was a swarm of bees looking to make a new hive. What we saw in the tree was a queen surrounded by 6000 bees hanging on our tree. Our 70-something neighbor climbed a huge extension ladder held by another elderly neighbor...and all went well for which I am thankful! He shook the bees into a box, and then set up a beekeeper hive in our yard until all the bees made their way inside (about a week). It was such a fun science lesson to go and "visit" our bees. We watched them pollinate our fruit trees and make honeycomb. Now they have been transported to a bee farm somewhere.

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