Thursday, May 13, 2010

musings on homeschooling

Homeschooling sometimes causes such a range of emtions that I find myself redfaced or chuckling. There are days when I feel like screaming,"If these kids were in school, I could actually get something done around here!" But, luckily those days are mostly few and far between. With the end of the year nearly here, and planning for next year underway, I find myself chuckling with amusement at my family for various reasons.

We have been planning and discussing and ordering items for next year. The UPS man has made several visits to deliver books and more are expected. I've learned books are like "crack" for my chidren. They have nearly run into the UPS truck to grab their boxes of books. They beg to open the boxes. And then they are lost into a sea of books on the floor. Excitement fills their faces and requests are made to "can I please read this one". I tried to hide the first box of books, but Luke found it and asked to dig in right away. I am such a planner, that I had to take the problem to Patrick....You know, it isn't time to read this yet, it is really for next year, but they want to read it right away......Patrick quickly set me right, with the reply, "Are you considering NOT letting them read?"

The second funny observation is my hubby. This frugal man never buys anything new, and rarely buys things at all. ( I did get a mother's day gift card to a spa...but before that, I got a watch, candles, and weight lifting socks picked up from a garage sale). Anyhow, I mentioned the amount of money I spent on books to him last night. And folks....I bought a lot of books. When this homeschooling journey is over, I will have one large library. His reply was, "Yeah, but did you see how excited the kids were over books!" No comment on the hundreds of bucks on books.

And now I chuckle at watching their brains work. Luke has happily looked over The Lives of Plutarch, and I am wondering where I can pick up a study guide for mom's. The same goes for Antigone by Sophecles. After testing the kids recently, I was advised to have him read at a late highschool/college level with literature. Mom will be working quite hard this fall!

Sarah Clare, upon opening her new math book, shouted, "Can I start this tomorrow since I am done with my old one?!" This from a child who was crying at this point with math last year. What a difference a year can make.

So now I am left to sorting books for each child into boxes that are stored in the corner of my bedroom. Sean has started his new math book....a second grade mathbook for him. I was happily surprised to see him ready for that level.

Now, I'm off to school.


Alix Bryant said...

Way to go Jess! You should feel very proud of your kids, you must be doing a great job!

The Thomas Team said...

So I'm not the only one with that problem! By the time we're done with our school year they've read the books in their reading lists, and my reading list 3-4 times. There are worse problems to have! We also can hardly contain ourselves over the UPS guy and those delicious books.

Amanda Vittitow said...

I told Dr Kelty that since Luke is reading high school level, but that you're having trouble finding books that are appropriate for his age-- get him a Biology book. I'm sure you could probably get him a used one from Amazon or BN..