Friday, November 30, 2012

Field Trip

We recently took one of our first official field trips since living here.  There is a drive through zoo/animal park nearby, and the kids and I headed out with a homeschool group.  We had a really fun time, especially the reluctant to go 12 year old.  I definitely had my hands full corralling all the kids, but that same 12 year old was very helpful.  It took Sean a bit to warm-up to the idea of feeding animals out of his hand, but he is my cautious one.  After several times of watching mom, he finally gave it a try and then enjoyed himself.  It was wonderful to enjoy a sunny, warm day with friends and some of God's creatures...all except the bee that met Max's forehead.

Water Babies

The three big kids have been swimming on a swim team since this past summer.  They had their first meet a few weekends ago, and I finally got some photos.  I am thankful for this activity for many reasons.  They are having fun, making great friend, exercising, and learning a life long set of skills.  On Thanksgiving, while we were talking about what we were thankful for, they all mentioned their swim coaches.  It is testament to the kindness and dedication of those wonderful coaches who spend endless hours at the pool.  There are meets nearly every weekend, but due to the fact that sitting at a pool all weekend long with little ones and driving all over the state is not something I can fathom doing, we will only swim the local meets for the time being.  The kids seem ok with that.  Turns out my kids love the breast stroke and do well at it.  Sarah placed in both her breast stroke events, and Luke placed in the back stroke.  It is funny to watch Sean swim.  He is nearly the smallest little guy out there and focus can sometimes be lacking.  He swam one race with goggles around his neck....because he forgot to put them on.  Patrick had to run to the bathroom and pull him out of the "potty" moments before another event.  But he has fun and loves to win his heat.  There was a big learning curve at the meet as I tried to read heat sheets, figure out what b times were, and learn the system of "body art" that involves a sharpie, hard to decipher swimming lingo, and arms/legs of children all in order to get them to the blocks at the right time.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bumpy Dad

Background:  Patrick had a zit on his forehead.  It was a normal, average, ordinary zit...not Mt. St. Helen's.

Max:  "Dad, what is that thing right there that is red and bumpy?  You don't look like normal dad."

Patrick: "Oh, this right here...."

Max: "Yeah, you don't look like normal dad.  You are kind of bumpy dad."

About know...Patrick is smirking and I am doubled-over!

Patrick: "That bump will go away soon."

Max:  "Oh and then you won't be bumpy dad anymore, you'll be normal dad."

Normal dad......OK?!  Nothing in this house is normal....ever....and that is how we like it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

his thesis to dad

Life with an "almost-teenager" is so interesting.  Here I am twelve years after his birth still changing diapers, scheduling naps, and taking care of babies.  And then there is Luke.   It is so very interesting to see his personality develop and his interests in so many things bud. For instance, he loves to follow politics.  What twelve year old asks to watch debates or the McLaughlin group with his parents for fun?  While watching election returns last night he pulled out a section of the Wall Street Journal that he had cut and kept in his pockets.  As results looked less and less favorable for our candidate, he tried to reassure us with different ways Romney could win.  It was all listed on his "WSJ cheat sheet". (Alix, you would have been so proud!) Somedays it is frustrating as I see those eye rolls (that I am not supposed to see), or hear huffing and some sarcasm sneak into his tone.  But most days he is super helpful, full of laughs, and ideas.  This is one of his latest ideas.  He typed up a thesis to give to dad explaining his cause.  I figured out how to scan a document, just so I can remember this years later.  This is just so Luke.  He handed it to me with a smirk and the following comment:  "It is full of charm, wit, and logic."  So....very Luke

Friday, October 26, 2012

Never would have thought

Lately, Patrick and I have been laughing at those, "10 years ago, I never would have thought...." lines.  Mine usually involve the following:

Ten Years Ago:

1.  I never would have guessed I would have 6 children.
2.  I never would have guessed I would be homeschooling the kids.
3.  I never would have guessed I would live on 6 acres  (I always thought I'd live in a development)
4.  I never would have guessed I would drive a big, red bus.  Something must have gotten lost in translation with the Lord, because I always assumed it would be white BMW.
5.  I never would have thought laundry could take multiple days to complete, and that it never, ever ends.  This is my latest discovery in mothering a large brood.  I really dislike laundry.

But Patrick loved his latest moment of this game.  Laughing, he shared it with a patient at the office.  It involved a text message from me and it read.

"The garden you were working on was very pretty.  The goat found it.  She likes collard greens.  I am trying to keep her out using the dog and the boys with a hose.  I took pictures of the garden in case it doesn't work out."

Patrick muttered, "Who would have thought I would have a goat ten years ago?"  And his patient replied with, "What are you doing with goats?"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Great Wolf Lodge

This past weekend we went with some friends to the Great Wolf Lodge and had a wonderfully fantastic time.  I was a bit leary about 6 kids in a water park, especially a 1 1/2 year old and a newborn.  But it was awesome.  I cannot say enough about the lifeguard staff there.  I have never been so comfortable letting my kids have free reign over a place, and this one was a waterpark!  This "method" of lifesaving was so involved, I was exhausted after just watching them watch people.  You have to go and see it to believe it.  Patrick looked at me just a few minutes into our first steps into the water park and said, "What are they doing?"  A few minutes after that we understood that those summer lifeguards at a neighborhood pool....are so junior varsity.  Moving on....the kids loved the slides.  The big three made friends with other kids and just ran from slide to slide. Patrick and I took turns hanging out with them and having slide adventures.  At one point, I was sliding with the big kids for over 2 hours.  It was so nice to play with them and talk to them without little ones interrupting or spilling things.  Sean was standing next to me just rubbing my arm and talking to me.  I realized then and there that I need to make an effort to just have fun with the kids more.  It was such a blessing to have that time with them.  My second realization was that I am old.  Patrick realized this too.  I can't go down waterslides backwards kind of ruins it.  I feel old and sick after that.  Patrick renamed the "Whirling Tornado" the "Hurling Tornado", it could be a more accurate name.  After our sliding adventures the kids went trick-or-treating throughout the hotel for candy, and we got to see a story hour show  in the lobby.  There were a few more adventures in the hotel, but really...the waterslides were great.

Apple Picking Time

Kevin and Lisa came for visit, and we headed to the apple orchard to celebrate fall, and eat funnel cakes, and apple donuts, and cider....oh and apples.  As an aside, taking Kelty brothers anywhere can be trouble.  Luke, Patrick, and Kevin started a game of "apple catch".  It turned into target practice involving a tree.  I decided this didn't look very good to passersby.  Then Max and Sean got in on the game.  The boys "solved" the problem by only using apples that had fallen on the ground.  Yeah....we were done after that.

A Day at the Lake

I love almost all there is to love about North Carolina.  I love that we are 1 hour from the mountains and 4 from the beach.  To welcome fall, we took the kids to a mountain lake for some hiking and swimming.  Patrick had the day off, so we had the lake to ourselves.  The only stress was a 3 mile hike just before lunch.  The kids did remarkably well.  Max found a way to hike nearly the whole 3 miles. Patrick had to throw him up on his shoulders for just a bit, which I imagine was difficult since he had Lucy on his back.  I carried the baby and the other kids ran from trail marker to trail marker.  At each marker they got pistachios from Patrick's pocket stash, which helped keep hunger at bay.  The funniest moment was a discussion I had with Sean on the trail which went something like this.

Sean:  "Mom, are you afraid to die?"

Mom:  some long winded answer on the bliss of Heaven and while dying is not something I look forward to, I do look forward to Heaven, God, the saints....etc...etc..

Sean:  (several minutes later...after pondering my answer)  "I just don't want to die on this hike."

he was serious.  and that is so Sean.  he is a half empty...or still looking for the milk to pour in the glass kind of kid.

Our Gossie

I don't know if you have read the series of books about Gossie and her gosling friends.  A friend got us the first book a few years ago.  And it sat on the shelf for a bit.  Until Lucy took a liking to her red boots.  And we just couldn't get over having our own Gossie.  (Gossie is a gosling who likes to wear bright red boots, every day.  She wears them when she walks...)  Anyhow, now we read Gossie all the time.  I ordered almost the complete set of books and we are loving getting to know Gossie and her friends better.

The Aftermath.....

This is what happens when you live a busy life with six kids, including a newborn.

Your animals decide to make a run for it....or a run to you, I guess.  Felicity has realized that the electric fence just doesn't hurt all that much.  So she is now a free-range goat.  She roams the yard and eats the weeds (a perk), and sometimes...makes it up onto the porch.  It is bizarre to look out your front door, only to see a goat staring back at you.  However, Felicity has become a much more friendly goat and much less skittish.  Our games now involve..the goat.  We play ball, around the goat.  We ride bikes, around the goat.  It is a new dimension to life on the "farm".

After Thomas's baptism the pool filter got turned off (a mystery).  The solar cover was on.  The filter was off.    We forgot to put chlorine in the pool.  When Patrick remembered (about 10 days later), this lovely swamp was the result.  Luke and I battled a good fight against the pool, and it looks like we won.  Now it is time to close it for the winter as it is now too cold to swim.  And it will take time for the image of green-nasty pool to work its way out of my memory.

We also received an unusual perk of having 6 kids this past weekend.  And luckily there are no pictures.  On our way home from Mass on Sunday, Patrick and I were having a nice discussion about Father's homily.  We  weren't watching how fast we were going.  We didn't notice the speed limit drop.  But we did get pulled over by the State Highway Patrol.  We were driving the big red bus.  We had 6 kids, a babysitter, and Patrick's mom.  We were going to go out on a date after we got home.  Did I mention the State Highway Patrol?  Well, the trooper was very nice and explained we were speeding.  He asked for Patrick's ID.  The same ID that he left at home that morning with this wallet.  (we were running late, and I told him just to drive...we wouldn't need it..uh...)  Anyhow, after that chaos, the trooper looks in and says, "Just how many kids are in there?"  I just cracked up!  I told him 6.  He then asked, "Are they all yours?"  I laughed harder and said yes....all but the babysitter.  Anyhow, end result was the trooper saying, "I know how hard it is to raise 3 kids...I can't imagine raising 6.  I can't give you a ticket.  Please slow down and have a nice day"  I love my kids.  I love the South!  And Patrick's first words to the kids, "See kids.  That is one more reason to have a big family!"  My words were, "Don't talk too much while driving kids.  And always check your spedometer!"

Thomas's Baptism

When Thomas was 3 weeks old he celebrated his first sacrament in the Catholic Church.  It was such a wonderful day, and we were all so happy.  Perhaps none was more happy than big brother Sean, who reminded me on several occasions that Thomas should really be baptized as he still had original sin on his soul.  "He needs grace Mom".  And Sean was right!  On a funny note....during the middle of labor, in the hospital, Patrick answered a phone call from our priest.  Apparently, after talking with Luke, Father had the impression that something may be wrong.  So he was calling to see why we were at the hospital.  Anyhow, Patrick chuckled and thought maybe Father was calling to set up a baptism.  A few weeks later, all was well and Thomas More was welcomed into the church by family and friends...and certainly the saints in Heaven.  It was quite a site at church as Thomas's godparents have four children and other friends that came have 5.  Other friends and their children came too!  Then back to the house for a cookout and swimming.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome baby Thomas

It is sad for me to think that many months ago I couldn't understand God's timing.  Life was hectic.  Lucy didn't sleep.  I homeschool.  I couldn't handle another baby.  And so I cried.  But good friends and wonderful husbands stepped in to tell me I could, and I would.  They developed plans and had good ideas, and still I doubted.  And then Thomas arrived.  I was sure he would be late and big.  He was early and small.   I have 10 pound babies in less than 3 hours, but Thomas was tiny and it took 10.  And that describes Thomas....a surprise.....a gift that only God knew we needed.  And apparently we needed him so, because it feels like he was always supposed to be with us.  His quiet open eyes take us and the world all in.  And he fills our hearts.  I am so very thankful that God knew better than me.

Thomas had a birthday party in the hospital complete with cupcakes and presents for all his siblings.  (pretty thoughtful baby huh?)  The biggest treat was his Grandma and Grandpa Army got to be in town for his birth. They were in town for a few days on their way back from vacation so they got to spend a bit of time with him before heading home.  And we were very thankful for the extra help!

Name:  Thomas More
born:  8/19/12
7 pounds 7 ounces   22 inches

August birthday boys

Aside from Patrick's special day, we have several more birthdays for the men in our family.  I cannot believe that Luke turned 12 this year, and Max turned 4.  Perhaps I can blame it on post-partum hormones, but I had one of those "I nearly need to stop the car and cry for a bit" moments while driving the kids around the other day.  It started with a Mexican restaurant turning into a Dunkin' Donuts and after my mind played with it for a minute it involved memories.....a Luke that is now 12.....he'll only be in the house for 6 more years....Max is 4.....that is really close to 6.......time is going by too fast......the baby is already 4 days old and changing......  Oh hormones.  It is such a gift to raise these boys.  Luke is turning into quite a young man.  He has really stepped up to the plate in the helpfulness department and is truly helping me with the little ones lately.  A big treat for him is the newly finished basement.  It now holds an air hockey table and ping-pong table.  This has resulted in some guy time in the basement.  After all the little ones are in bed, Luke and Patrick head to the basement for ping-pong.  They really enjoy the time together, and Luke usually returns covered in sweat.  Who knew ping-pong was so....aerobic?  I'm thinking Patrick's days are numbered as the reigning ping-pong house champion.

Max got to celebrate his birthday at school with his friends, where they sang him "Happy Birthday" and "The Earth Goes Around the Sun".  This is how the teacher helps them learn months of the year and time.  Max requested a white cake, with white frosting and red writing.  He wanted strawberries, and no real decoration.  It is quite possibly the ugliest cake I ever made.  No one else in the house likes cake, and they were disappointed Max didn't pick one of Patrick's ice cream cake creations.  But Max loved his cake.  He loved the slippery strawberries sliding around in their juice leaking all over the cake.  I cringed.....he ate.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

All Aboard the Crazy Train

I am blessed to have several friends from large families.  All are wonderful people, and they help to keep me focused on the positives and more importantly to keep things in perspective.  Sometimes little things can seem like such a big deal and they reassure me that they really are not so important.  When talking a few months ago with a friend who is one of five, she told me, "Girl for the next 15 years you are on the crazy train....just enjoy the ride."  I really like that motto and am contemplating having a t-shirt made for myself and some other friends.  But here are the latest antics that help to remind me....."of the train".

1.  "Are we really out of milk again?  That is it...we buy 6 gallons to start the week from now on and see how long we can last...4 is a joke."

2.  Max:  "Mom remember when be got these bracelets at the Monkey Theater?"  (Mom thinking....what on earth is a Monkey Theater?  Mom looks at the object in question.  Oh yeah!)  Mom:  "Max we call that place a zoo, not a Monkey Theater."

3.   I will preface this story with the fact that neither my brain nor my hands are working well these days.  Maybe pregnancy is to blame, but I keep dropping things.  Especially sweet drinks inside the garage that then need cleaned up (including glass).  Usually after 3 days of such episodes, tears ensue.  I also seem to be  calling all my boys by the wrong names.  Yesterday, Sean walked into the kitchen with a post-it note attached to his chin.  On it was printed his name.  He calmly told me it was to help me to remember to call him by the right name.  Instead, I began to freak out that my children will forever remember me being so scatterbrained that I couldn't even remember their names.

All on board the crazy train......

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A memory of two

The big kids are all off at science camp again this week, and I have made a promise to do some fun things with just the little two. (instead of tackling my growing to-do list).  I remember when it was just Sarah and Luke and we would spend many mornings at a playland at the mall in Charleston.  Well, as it turns out we have a mall with a playland here too!  And my little ones have never been there (mom guilt enters here...)  So after dropping off the big kids and a near terrible mouth injury for Lucy (tongues sure bleed a lot!), we headed to the mall for some play time.  Max jumped right into the mix with the boys there, playing superheros.  Lucy wasn't so sure what to do with herself.  Max tried to take her to various parts of the playland.  When any big kids would get close to her he would say something like, "This is my baby.  Isn't she cute?  You have to play gentle around her."  He never ceases to amaze me with his caring attitude and genuine love for his siblings.  He really enjoys being a big brother to Lucy, and she is lucky to have him.  Anyhow, she left the playland area to concentrate on all the shoes laying around.  She was like Cinderella and tried on many different shoes belonging to many different people.  Gross, I know!  But it is her favorite game to play at home.  She puts on any shoes she can find and walks all around saying, "shoe....shoe....shoe...".  It was a fun morning of memories of how life was when it was only two little ones.  Not better or even less stressful (after all, there were less helpful hands than usual), but it was nice to dote on the little guys for once.

One last hurrah.....

Before the baby arrives.  We decided to take a trip at the last moment to celebrate Patrick's birthday, Luke's birthday, and the impending arrival of our newest little one.  It was the last weekend in which I could travel.  So we headed to Charleston and the beach for an action packed weekend.  The kids loved staying in a hotel.  The liked the breakfast buffet and all its goodies.  The liked watching the Olympics on TV.  They loved the beach.  They loved visiting a few of their old friends.  They liked eating out and the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry.   Even Sean.  (Mr.  all museums are boring and I am NOT going to have a good time no matter what you tell me).  About 2 minutes into the museum and he loved it.  A special treat was ice cream cones for dinner on the way home.  Every time we make this trip we say we should do it more often.  Maybe we will.