Saturday, April 28, 2012

Your on your way to becoming a real farmer when....

1.  You clean up goat vomit several times in 12 hours.  (actually not vomit as much as regurgitated cud, but it all smells the same)

2.  You call a large animal vet before 8am.

3.  You hunt down a pharmacy that stocks activated charcoal.

4.  You mix the activated charcoal and water and fill a 60ml syringe and seriously wonder how you will get it down the goats throat without the help of farmer husband who happens to be at a boyscout campout.

5.  You stifle not-so-nice feelings about boyscout son who decided to let the goats off their picket lines yesterday.....when the favorite goat likely got into one of numerous poisonous plants in the yard.  Nevermind the goat chase that ensued yesterday afternoon involving the pregnant farmer mom, and the lecture on doing things correctly the first time.  (put the goats on on their pickets to eat at the hedge line....does NOT equal let the goat off their picket because their lines are tangled and hey....who would want to fix that?)

6.  Cry.  Ok.....real farmers don't cry.  Lets blame it on hormones and the fact I'm not a farmer....yet.

7.  Enlist help of farmer daughter to help in the lay down the goat, hold down the goat process (that went amazingly well), and syringe feed charcoal to goat who took it like a champ!

8.  Clean up goat as well as you can, check on goat every few hours.

9.  Make a list for boyscout son on chores for tomorrow.  Number one, bathe goats....number 2, clean out their stall!

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