Friday, July 12, 2013

Half-way through

Well, here we are at the half-way point of summer.  I had fully intended to back to school full time by now.  Yeah....that isn't going to happen.  Due to the near back-to-back arrivals of Lucy and Thomas, my bigger kids haven't had a true summer break in years.  They seem to be soaking up the fun of summertime, and I have decided to gently ease back learning.  We will do math, piano, and reading everday starting yesterday.  They are swimming 4 mornings a week, so we have to count that too, I suppose.  And that leaves lots of time for summer fun.  We had  playdates at our house 3 days this past week.  Sarah attended a week of sleep-away summer camp the week before (LOVED IT!).  Sarah, Sean, and Max have science camp following swim team everyday this week.  Luke has boy scout camp the week after that.  Our best friends from San Antonio come to town the week after that.  We celebrate 4 birthdays nearly in a row following that.  And then Luke and Sarah hit to the skies to head up to Connecticut to visit their cousins for a week.  So school should be back in full-swing by the end of August.  Just like it is for most "normal school kids" I guess.  I will try to hit science and art with kids before then....but grammar, latin, history.....the end of August it will be.  The kids are elated at this, and I keep looking at a daunting to-do list that needs done before packing and moving start in earnest.  (Just a few miles down the road folks!)  So here are a few more scenes from a summer well-spent.

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