Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Apparently, we live on Animal Planet. We've become friends with the "bug guy" who has helped us with our ant problem. He has also relieved my fears about the spiders I was finding. We have very tiny frogs in the yard, which Luke loves to catch. I don't mind those, but do feel bad when it is mowing day. It is bizarre to see them hopping out of the way. I suppose they don't all make it though. Then there was the 4 inch grasshopper, tree frogs that serenade us to sleep.....and today Mr. Frog greeted me at the door the screened in pool....on the did he get in? Anyhow, I have him cornered, and added my shoe to illustrate his size. Now I have to figure out how to get him outside before he decideds to take a swim. Did I mention I plan to do this without actually touching the frog...they kind of creep me out. I think it is the whole jump when you least expect it thing.

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