Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trip #1

Patrick and I spent a whirlwind weekend in San Francisco for a friend's wedding at the end of September. We flew out on a Friday and back on a Sunday. It was the first time in my life I stayed awake for 24 straight hours. I never could have completed med school or a residency as two days later I spent nearly a day and a half in bed sick....just tuckered out I guess. We stayed with Patrick's friend, Jelenko, from elementary school. It was fun to take a walk down memory lane and see what is new all at the same time. We drove up to Sonoma for the rehersal and wedding. One was at a winery, the wedding at a vineyard. It was simply beautiful and the food and wine were amazing. Well, Patrick told me the wine was amazing since I was unable to drink due to the fact that I was 9 weeks pregnant at the time. It was great to visit with friends from residency and see Dan on such a special day for him. But note to self, if I ever travel that far again....more time must be alloted for the trip!

1 comment:

Amanda Vittitow said...

Pregnant?! That's wonderful news!! Congrats!!!