Monday, August 31, 2009

Grandparents are great blessings

Mrs. Kelty was just here for a nice visit. It was great to have an extra set of hands around while I started the school year. And it was nicer to have someone else cook a meal and have a built in babysitter too! It was such a blessing for the kids to spend time with her. She taught them to play all kinds of card games. They worked the crossword puzzle together and read comics. Best of all, Grandma had a tea party with them. Now I do tea parties for the kids. Usually we have water or iced tea in our cups and cheerios or crackers as our cakes. Grandma made tea and delicious biscuits with her little helper, Sarah. Then they all had tea using their imaginary names. This is a constant with all of Grandma's visits. Grandma comes and brings "Mrs. Effenbottom" to tea, and we get a visit from "Princess Kelly and King Arthur" as well. Sean is figuring this all out this visit as he was a bit young on Grandma's last visit. After a few rounds of, "your name is Grandma, not Mrs. Effenbottom" he finally started to catch on. And the kids are still talking about the tea and cake.

Mountain People

Well, I was convinced we had beach babies. Our kids love the beach, including Max, who simply crawls in until the surf is nearly over his head. Then Mom rescues him to the dry sand, where he simply crawls right back in again. I didn't think the kids would like the mountain streams too much....too many bugs, possible snakes, freezing cold water, muddy-mucky bottoms, less sunshine (ok maybe it was me who had some angst). The kids proved me wrong yet again. They all went in the cold water, skipping rocks and catching crawdads. Then the rains came and they played some more while I tried not to get too wet under an umbrella for 45 minutes. Perhaps we are "mountain folk" after all.

He's got moves


August is a busy month for us. Three of the four favorite boys in my life celebrate special days. I'm a bit behind in posting pictures so here they are. Luke turned 9, which is so hard to believe. He is usually found reading a book or teaching someone something. He is a great help around the house (don't tell him), and he is looking forward to a year of cubscouts and sports (once I find out details). Max turned one and is nearly ready to walk. He is a man of action and is rarely quiet and docile. He loves to be entertained by his siblings and his one and only word, for quite some time, has been "uh-oh". And my dear husband turned another year older. I am appreciative for all his hard work providing us such wonderful things...not only material items like our picnic table, fire pit, and other "Patrick made specialties", but for the wonderful fathering, memory-making, and adventure he provides us with!

Homeschooling is life-changing

This is so true in so many ways. Some days are pure joy, others a bit more difficult and others in between, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I really enjoy learning with the kids and having them near me all day long. But some days are life changing. And Friday was one. It was a great school day and it was our first day of our new science curriculum. I really like all the hands-on-material. We opened a bag of plastic insects and spiders (think toys) and spent lots of time looking at all their body parts and what they are used for. I was in science teacher heaven. It was similar to when I taught high-school science. I was using words like cephalothorax and palps...It was great. And then we got to the common housefly which had never bothered me much before. Bees and wasps sting and hurt, flies...who cares. Then I read that flies vomit saliva on food and the food starts to break down. Then the flies suck it up and have a tasty meal. This has changed my life! I am so grossed out. I have so many flies in my house! I carry around a fly swatter and beg the children to quickly shut doors, never mind a fly ever landing on my food. Perhaps ignorance is bliss.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Before and After

We tried to wait until he was 1. Only I couldn't take it!

Thomas Team

The Thomas Team arrived and stayed for a fun-filled week. The kids played endlessly. We swam, went to the park, and messed around at the house. Mindy and I did a bit of decorating. Thank goodness for her sense of style! Scott played electrician with Patrick and got the stereo, tv, and computer up and running. Did I mention we played a lot? Oh yeah....we cooked a lot too! Luckily Patrick finished his handiwork, and his picnic table allowed us all to sit and eat together. My clothesline he constructed is working out great also. The highlight may have been roasting marshmallows over the firepit Patrick and Scott made and catching fireflies as this was new to all the kids. What great memories except for one of their little ones who fought off an illness...all week!


The festivities continued in Cleveland as we visited with relatives we so rarely see. The kids enjoyed swimming in Grammy and Grampy's pool, and special dates to the Indian's game and to see Mary Poppins at the theater.


What a blast! The kids played all day and into the night with their cousins and loved every minute of it. Bosco became an outside dog for the week. He loved to play with the kids and never left the yard except for his daily jog with Uncle Marty. We took the train into NYC, which was fun for us all. The trip was cut short when the kids realized they'd rather be back playing with their cousins. Perhaps we'll get to Central Park next time.

Goodbye and Godspeed

We said goodbye to our dear friends and neighbors, and to our tree in the front yard that was the scene of so many adventures, and to the beach, and to a wonderful city that I never wanted to move to, but am now thankful to God that He knew better!

The Road Trip

First we went to DC and visited my brother, his sweet wife, and their very sweet baby boy who is a few weeks older than Max. We enjoyed their company and the few sights we saw in the city. Luke has a master list of all the stops we'll see on our next trip.

Where have we been?

Just about everywhere. Let's see....we said goodbye to dear friends in Tampa, then we packed a house, then we moved a house, then we unpacked a house, then we went on a 3 week roadtrip visiting relatives, then we unpacked the new house some more, then our best friends and there 6 kids came to visit, then we had major fun except for one little one with a major mystery illness, then we ordered school books, then Patrick started work, then we celebrated birthdays....and here we are. Tired! I'll post some photos so you can get tired too.