Monday, August 31, 2009

Homeschooling is life-changing

This is so true in so many ways. Some days are pure joy, others a bit more difficult and others in between, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I really enjoy learning with the kids and having them near me all day long. But some days are life changing. And Friday was one. It was a great school day and it was our first day of our new science curriculum. I really like all the hands-on-material. We opened a bag of plastic insects and spiders (think toys) and spent lots of time looking at all their body parts and what they are used for. I was in science teacher heaven. It was similar to when I taught high-school science. I was using words like cephalothorax and palps...It was great. And then we got to the common housefly which had never bothered me much before. Bees and wasps sting and hurt, flies...who cares. Then I read that flies vomit saliva on food and the food starts to break down. Then the flies suck it up and have a tasty meal. This has changed my life! I am so grossed out. I have so many flies in my house! I carry around a fly swatter and beg the children to quickly shut doors, never mind a fly ever landing on my food. Perhaps ignorance is bliss.

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