Friday, August 2, 2013

Long Course Swim Team

The kids have spent the summer in the "big pool" swimming long course team.  It is a great change for them as they rethink and train their bodies for these longer races.  We had a huge meet out in the hot sun over three days.  The kids enjoyed the swims and the downtime with friends spent playing cards and eating.  My how much swimmers do eat!  The little ones were sick so Patrick and I took turns at home with them.  We all learned some things over that weekend.  Sean learned the importance of flip-turns.  I learned he has quite the competitive side (just who is that screaming like a maniac kid on the relay team?) Sarah learned how to better pace her stroke and breathing on the breast stroke so she doesn't look like a hamster in a wheel, as her coach said.  Luke learned it is hard to leave a swim meet for scout camp, but was glad he did...scout camp involved lots of fun as well.  It also had him on the winning canoe race team!

15 years....a few days late

Patrick and I weren't together for our 15th anniversary.  I was up in Cleveland with the kids and he was back working and getting ready to head on his mission trip to Bolivia.  Seeing as he is the thoughtful, romantic in our relationship, and I generally think of beer as a great gift for him, I decided to surprise him with a getaway trip when we returned.  I planned a trip to the mountains for us, and once I had childcare arranged and things packed up, I headed up to Boone, NC to pick him up from his day at the office up there.  We then hit an Indian food restaurant for lunch (what a treat), and then headed to Linville Falls for some hiking.  It was a lovely day with plenty of sun, which is rare here this summer (unfortunately).  A long, romantic, hand-held hike, it was not.  We had people chuckling along the path, as we raced from lookout-point to lookout-point.  Some box-jumps on stumps and racing led to a sweaty hike, but it was really a fun time.  Then we headed to Asheville, via a long-cut and some repeated sights, but we got there eventually.  We spent the night at the Grand Bohemian hotel which was really eclectic and fun.  We walked to a great dinner, had a great breakfast the next morning, and then hit the Vanderbilt Mansion.  It was beautiful and amazing, and gigantic.  Our tour through the home resembled the hike the day before.  We were running through the home and passing people on all sides.  (Patrick wasn't nearly as amazed at the home as I was...."yeah, yeah, another bedroom...") We made to the Basilica of St. Lawrence for noon Mass and then headed to downtown Asheville for some lunch.  We arrived home to one sick child (everyone else had been sick before we left).  And then Lucy proceeded to flood the bathroom at bath time and water made its way to the basement.  But we remained remarkably calm through it all.  It is blessing what a little quiet, relaxing, alone time can do!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Half-way through

Well, here we are at the half-way point of summer.  I had fully intended to back to school full time by now.  Yeah....that isn't going to happen.  Due to the near back-to-back arrivals of Lucy and Thomas, my bigger kids haven't had a true summer break in years.  They seem to be soaking up the fun of summertime, and I have decided to gently ease back learning.  We will do math, piano, and reading everday starting yesterday.  They are swimming 4 mornings a week, so we have to count that too, I suppose.  And that leaves lots of time for summer fun.  We had  playdates at our house 3 days this past week.  Sarah attended a week of sleep-away summer camp the week before (LOVED IT!).  Sarah, Sean, and Max have science camp following swim team everyday this week.  Luke has boy scout camp the week after that.  Our best friends from San Antonio come to town the week after that.  We celebrate 4 birthdays nearly in a row following that.  And then Luke and Sarah hit to the skies to head up to Connecticut to visit their cousins for a week.  So school should be back in full-swing by the end of August.  Just like it is for most "normal school kids" I guess.  I will try to hit science and art with kids before then....but grammar, latin, history.....the end of August it will be.  The kids are elated at this, and I keep looking at a daunting to-do list that needs done before packing and moving start in earnest.  (Just a few miles down the road folks!)  So here are a few more scenes from a summer well-spent.

Wedding Fun

In mid-June we headed up to Cleveland for our nephew's wedding.  We had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends.  Patrick returned home shortly after the wedding to work for a week and then to head to Bolivia for a mission trip.  Seeing as the kids and I had no big plans for the week, we stayed for those 2 weeks up in Cleveland with Grandma and Grandpa.  We sure missed Daddy, but we had a fun, busy, busy time.  We went to the zoo several times, Swings-n-things, the homes of some relatives, Cedar Point, various parks around town, and the Science Center.  Each of the big kids had an individual date with mom.  It was really fun to share undivided time with them doing something they each chose.  We made many happy memories, and left Grandma and Grandpa very tired.  Actually, Grandpa drove us back home to NC as he was worried about us driving all that way without and extra set of adult hands.  It was a good thing he came with us, as fatigue hit for me about 30 miles outside of Cleveland.  Apparently I wasn't getting enough sleep on our stay, so I was able to catch-up a bit in the car on the ride home.  I can't image how I would have made the drive without my Dad!

Luke's confirmation

We are so proud of Luke and his accomplishments.  He received his Confirmation this year.  We are hoping the Lord continues to bless him and fill him with His Spirit.  Luke now enters the world as a soldier for God. We were so happy Father Buettner was Luke's teacher this year in Faith Formation, especially since he was just reassigned to a new parish.  Luke has learned so much with Father in our lives.  St. Joseph Cupertino (Luke's confirmation saint)....Pray for us!

Sean's 7th birthday

Sean celebrated his 7th birthday in June.  Good friends from Charleston happened to be visiting, and they helped us to celebrate.  Sean was so pleased and everyone seemed to enjoy our lego party.  I cannot believe Sean is already 7!  This has been a busy year for him.  He is quite the swimmer and his piano skills are improving.  He is an avid reader, who conquered The Hobbit this year amongst other books.  He is turning into a social butterfly with friends from swimming and siblings of the big kids' friends coming over to play often.  He spent time at Cub Scout camp this summer, and despite hunger, tiredness, and homesickness (it was a day camp...Sean is just a homebody), he enjoyed himself.  I was thankful that Luke decided to help out at Cub Scout camp so that Sean would have a sibling there and could enjoy himself more without feeling too lonely.  (Symptom of life in a big family I guess....they are used to being together all the time).  This year will prove a big step for him academically as he attempts some online classes this year.  Oh how thankful we are for Sean.  He is our quiet, thinker, sensitive child.  We are so happy we have him.
 How many lego pieces can you suck up with a straw in one minute.  All ages try it!
 The lego pinata
 Sean loves daddy's homemade icecream cake and asks for it every year
 I just thought this was hilarious. So did the kids.  Potty humor is sometimes funny in a house full of boys.

Summer plans

Well we've been flying through summer.  Here is our reading reading for the library reading competition.  I intend to sit with each of the kids next week and create a master booklist of all the quality books they have read over their lifetimes.  We won't include "popcorn books".  I wish I would have been diligent about this starting in about 2nd grade for each of them.  We'll see how our flashback works.

Sarah's books
Books for Sean, Max, Lucy and whoever else will listen

Sean's books

Luke's books

Our Math stash
 Our art books
 Max's books

Thursday, May 23, 2013

boys vs. girls

Last night, after an evening of the "now standard" conquer and divide to get it all done, we finally had the little ones all in bed.  Patrick and I had to head out the door to meet up with some friends.  We have realized we can leave Luke and Sarah home to "hold down the fort" together if all the rest are in bed.  The house was a bit of a wreck due the busy evening and all the bodies "playing" before the evening started.  I offered Sarah  $5 to load dishes, clean the kitchen, swap out laundry and such. Luke didn't get offered a chance at cash since he had some "homework" to finish up.  The house was immaculate when we returned.  Sarah had pledged the kitchen table, left a few picture books on the endtable and post-it note love notes to us on our door.  Patrick was in awe.  And I began to contemplate the cost of a $5 clean-up every night.  Luke was the last child awake reading when we got home.  And teasingly, Patrick asked him if he sat and watched Sarah work all evening.  Luke replied, "Nope, I ate some food too!"  That about sums up life in this new stage of budding teens and busy lives.

Sibling love

Thomas has figured out how to crawl, and watching the reaction among his siblings has been so enjoyable.  I was putting away laundry when I heard Luke scream, "Mom, come quick!"  My brain immediately began to run through the broken glass, spill, injury checklist.  However, when I got to Luke, he was standing with a silly grin on his face, pointing to Thomas.  "Look, he can crawl!"

It is moments like these that warm my heart, even on those trying days.  Luke was so excited by the baby's accomplishments that he got on the floor and proceeded to try and play chase with a newly crawling 9 month old.  It is so wonderful to see the love and awe over little things between my crew.  I must admit it is good to see these milestones from a sibling's perspective.  While my mind first thought, "Here we go, what can he get into, what needs picked up, what needs moved?"...Luke simply thought, "He couldn't move yesterday, and now he!"

And about that cleaning, moving, picking up....he figured out how to crawl a few days ago.  Today I found Thomas and Lucy practically inside the fireplace, with hands full of those little stones, throwing them all about the room.  Big smiles on their faces as their relationship takes on a new dynamic of "partners-in-crime".

Our pteradactyl begins to soar

After a few seconds you will understand the little guy's nickname...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Gratitude journal

From time to time I debate starting a gratitude journal.  I think they are a fantastic idea for focusing on all the things we should be thankful for.  And, lets face may serve as a momentary pick-me-up for a very busy, homeschooling mother, who, from time to time, may this good, is this working, are we learning....anything, what day is it, what is for dinner?  And the like.  But it would require time, which is so very precious.  So for me it is more of a mental exercise.  Except for today, because this one I need to remember.

Today I am thankful for swimming, followed by Boyscouts and baseball, which required "conquer and divide" by parents, dinner on the stages for the kids and take-out for adults at 8:45 pm. I am thankful for a race of baths and bedtimes and last minute chats.  And I am so very, very, very thankful that Patrick asked for a beer while tucking in some kids, which required me to head to the beer fridge in the garage.  I am so thankful it was happening in that moment because upon entering the garage I saw the cat perched on top of the cardboard box containing the 10 chicks.  The box with the lid half-open.  The cat with his head peering into the box.  We were moments away from mayhem and a scene I don't want to think about involving blood and feathers.  So very thankful, a box, and husbands tucking in kids.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Godspeed neighbors!

Last weekend we had a little impromptu going away party for our wonderful neighbors.  They had been splitting time between their Florida home and here in NC, but they sold their house so it was time to say goodbye.  I know the kids are going to miss them terribly, as they acted like surrogate grandparents for our crew.  The Lord has blessed our lives' in so many ways, but I count the wonderful sets of neighbors that He has set in our path near the top.  I know Max will miss his toy-filled chocolate eggs from Mr. Hubbard's trips to Germany.  And Sarah will miss her Christmas time shopping trips with Mrs. Hubbard.  Sean and Luke will miss having a Mr. Fixit to help out with problems and broken toys when dad isn't home.  Sometimes they would be halfway out the door because "Mr. Hubbard can fix it", before I could tell them to just wait a bit....maybe Mom could try? I know my husband will miss his partner in crime when it comes to projects around the house and yard.  He'll also miss his conservative news junkie confidant. And I'm not sure how I will ever pick out a paint color...since I usually just ask my neighbor!

Today I took the little ones on rainy day walk.  When I asked where they wanted to go, they suggested a walk to the Hubbards.  I had to remind them that the Hubbards live by the beach now.  Lucy just looked up at me, shaking her head, and said, "I miss them."  That about sums it up here.  We are all pretty sad.  But our home is now filled with many of the items the Hubbard's couldn't take with them.  I suppose I will keep memories alive by saying things like, "Get off Mr. Hubbard's chair....get me Mrs. Hubbard's white bowl."  We are hoping Mrs. Hubbard, Pop, and Gracie will come visit us soon!

Sean's First Holy Communion

After much anticipation and excitement, Sean made his First Holy Communion on May 4th.  We were so proud that he was so ready and excited to finally be so close to our Lord.  Grandma and Grandpa Army came down from Ohio to share in his special day.  (I wish I had a picture...I never take enough pictures).  We needed to order him a dark suit for the special day and he was happy to wear his "tuxedo".  He was so excited that I don't think he got enough sleep the night evidenced in our celebration dinner after....the celebration he slept through after a big case of the grumpies.  How we love our Sean...and we know how much he loves the Lord.  As he told me when reviewing his catechism lesson....."Sean, what will you do after receiving the Holy Eucharist?"  Sean replied, "Well if I don't die of happiness right away, like blessed Imelda, I will say a prayer of Thanksgiving."

Friday, May 10, 2013

More from the top ten

5.  Easter meant preparing our hearts with prayer and good deeds.  It also meant dyeing eggs.  With a family our size...lots of eggs.  We ate them in a few short days.

6.  Almost there.....the end of the school year that is.  We are finishing up work and looking forward to a summer of trips and camps.  I am making my to-do list of all those items that don't get done on a regular basis.  Some deep cleaning of the van, sorting through DVDs and CDs....some sewing maybe?  The end of the year can't get here soon enough, for all of us.

7.  Visits...we have had lots of visits with friends and family.  We have had grandparents in town.  We've gone on a few trips.  Patrick had his 10 year reunion in Cincinnati, so he and I got away for the weekend.  We just got back from a trip to Charleston.  We have had tons of fun, so much fun that the camera went untouched.  Oops!

8.  Easter brought a great surprise in that friends called early that afternoon and asked us to pack up our food and head over to their house where we combined dinners and hung out enjoying each others' company.  This is never hard for my kids since their "big kids" (ie some are big enough to drink beer!) are some of my kids' favorite people.  Infact, Andrew is a regular to our home several mornings a week since he is Patrick's workout buddy.  But when I take the kids out any afternoon, the first question once we hit the garage is, "Is Andrew here?"    Here are some of the pals.  Easter involved the pals hiding eggs for an egg hunt for our kids.  It was hilarious to watch the little ones hunt for eggs in the rain, and attempt to remove eggs from the top of basketball hoops and other crazy places.
9.  My new favorite thing is grocery shopping online.  I just click the mouse a few times and then I'm done.  The magical lady at the store actually roams the aisles and loads the cart...which is a blessing since most trips I end up with multiple carts, which is difficult with little ones in tow.  Then they pack the bags and call me.  I just head to the store where the magical lady and her assistants load my car, give me some cookies for the kids, and I head home.  I don't believe I can put into words the time and trouble this saves me.  Plus, there is no, "Mommy, can we get...." 

10.New things around carpet, new granite counters, new painting......soon to be some new appliances.  Brand new baby chicks are here too!  So cute.  Picture to follow.