Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I can't believe I just said that.......

I've been having these "moments" lately, and I thought I should document them somewhere. This way when I am old and gray, I will be able to laugh at just how crazy this life was at the time. These comments are not necessarily bad, just strange. The kind of things that once they slip out of your mouth, you find yourself standing there for a moment wondering, "Did I really just say that?" Then I usually laugh at the crazy moment....laugh and shake my head.

1. "I need a big kid to come over here and smell this foot. Is this poop or mud?" (I had a horrible sinus infection and couldn't smell to tell, and it was a really important distinction to make)

2. "What do you need that for? Is this an experiment? Does this involve fire?"

3. "What do you mean you just shot a gun? A real gun? I thought we had age requirements for that sort of stuff in this house!"

4. "The backyard is not a bathroom. You cannot just drop your drawers and go. You need to go inside to the real potty!"

Actually, I think all of these involved boys. Hmmmm......(insert shaking head here)

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