Sunday, April 29, 2012

A few days in paradise

Last week Patrick and I took a little trip to Cancun, Mexico.  It was a lot of work getting ready to go.  It involved making meals to freeze for the kids, laying out clothes for the kids, wrapping a-present-a-day for the kids (little treats to keep them sunglasses, bubbles, silly putty etc), making lists and lists and more lists, arranging babysitters and then doing it again to fill in some holes.  Anyway, I remember thinking, during that week of preparation, I will NOT do this again, it is just too much work.  And then we left home.  It was just I vaguely remember from days past.  And it was so worth it.  It was fun to hang out, and relax, and not cook, or wipe bottoms, and talk, and talk during meals that lasted over two hours that didn't involve spills or the words, "sit back down".  I remembered all those reasons why I fell in love with my husband in the first place (not that I had forgotten, the craziness of everyday life just takes over sometimes).  Of course, I missed those 5 living examples of our love who were back home having fun.  Best of all we shared our getaway with our best friends....friends from before kids who now have many themselves.  The time shared was such a blessing!

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