Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas 2012

I could post pictures of towels, garbage cans, cleaning supplies, mounds of laundry, and sick kids...but I will spare you.  And actually, I'd like to forget those parts.  Christmas this year involved a 24 hour stomach bug spread out over a the week before Christmas with our last victim succumbing Christmas night.  This started our first day of Christmas break, which was a bummer, because we didn't nearly make it through my holiday-fun-things-to-do-to-get-ready list.  We still have ornaments to make, not all the cookies got baked, and we watched nearly every Christmas movie made instead of crafting/baking/having adventures.  After a few of the movies, the kids questioned how it qualified as a "Christmas movie".  My reply was....."Was the word Christmas in the title?"  If yes, it counted.  I am happy to report that the family favorite was "It's A
Wonderful  Life", so all is well.  The Lord blessed us with no illness on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, so we all got to attend Mass together.  It was beautiful as always, and Lucy was so happy to see the statue of baby Jesus on the altar.  Christmas morning brought the standard gift opening craziness, but with limited gifts for all (4 each) it was quite manageable.  We had friends over for a feast of food and lots of playing later in the day.  We enjoyed every bit of the break from school considering the circumstances, and Mom managed to lose a few pounds over the holidays.  This is usually the case in the throws of a stomach bug.  I just can't eat much with constant visions of vomit in my mind.  Hoping next year will be a healthier Christmas!  Now we are doing a few school-ish items and scheduling a slew of needed appointments for various things...fridge repair, hearing checks, etc.  Taking an idea from a friend, we have started "Behavior Boot Camp".  It seems that our chores are being done very well, and most folks are NOT speaking nicely to one another....all in all morale is a little low.  So.....we have new, laminated chore charts (it just makes me feel better), and Saturday computer time is no more.....until we can all treat each other more nicely.  Hoping to be back to the normal routine mid-week, next week.

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