Saturday, January 12, 2008

Movie-making questions

It continues to be "all things Star Wars" around here. We watched a movie on how Star Wars was made, costumes, actors, sound stages, props, puppets, budgets, etc. It was very educational and entertaining. Later, in the car, the kids were discussing how Yoda was a puppet. And then I was asked.....

"Mom, so in the movie, how did they make the force?" (by Luke)

And later when another friend was discussing a different movie called The Emporer's New Grove, Sarah asked, "What episode number is that?"

And lastly, Sean runs around the house telling us he is fighting the man known as Dark Bader (no this child has not seen the movies, just knows the hipe).

May the force be with you!

1 comment:

Jenny and Kevin said...

Congrats on the new next addition! We came across your blog and realized how small the world is! Hope you're enjoying Florida, we are now in Idaho and are missing the warmth of the Charleston area. It was nice to see pictures of your kids and even some of the Shahids, made us homesick a bit. Take care and God bless,

Jenny and Kevin Welsh (from rosary)