Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Don't ever...

Don't EVER allow your husband to take pictures at the beach when you are 6 months pregnant. You will certainly find pictures of your pregnant-self on the camera. And while you realize how big you are getting when you look in the mirror, a picture paints a whole new view of your backside, and how that somehow during the remarkable feat of growing a new life, you grow in other ways too..... The only remedy for the shame of a growing rear is either doritos or chocolate smoothered in peanut butter.....or maybe both.

1 comment:

Mary Janelle said...

Oh, Jessica! I'm sure you look beautiful! You know you'll be glad later, when that belly (etc.) is all gone and you can't believe you had a whole PERSON in there. Hope you're feeling well; you and Baby Kelty are in my prayers!