Monday, May 12, 2008

Daddy Bird

I am married to a very wonderful and special man. I know this for many reasons, but Mother's Day proved it yet again. The flowers, breakfast, and play at the pool were great, but what took the cake was "the afternoon". My husband decided we should move furniture. Not just moving the bed from one wall to another.....this was serious work. We moved the kids bedroom into ours and vice versa. The same with the closets and the bathrooms. He dusted fans, the tops of furniture I simply pretend don't exist on cleaning day, baseboards, and the nooks between the carpet and the wall. He vacuumed. He fixed things that needed fixing. He had the kids polishing dress shoes, carrying furniture, using hammers, and all sorts of exiting kid things. I was told to relax, sit down......only I tried to help. I sorted clothes and rearranged closets, and picked up messes, and found "lost toys". By ten in the evening, we had a "new house". And this arrangement has plenty of room for baby....for baby's bassinet, for baby's diapers, and even somewhere for baby's clothes! My husband can "nest" with the rest of us pregnant moms. He is such a daddy bird!

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