Thursday, July 24, 2008

The first time they leave home.....

It is very hard. Luke is away this week at summer camp and we will happily pick him up on Saturday. Things just aren't the same here. Not as much action. Not as much noise. Not as much love. Not as much help.

Yesterday, I forgot to feed the dog.'s Luke's job. Today, I took out the garbage.....Luke's job. But it isn't just my helper, go to guy when I need a hand, that I miss.

I miss the incessant stories about obscure science facts....I never would have guessed I'd miss those. I miss the first kid awake in the morning and the last one to bed at night.

Best of all, his kids miss him. Sean asks when he'll return. Sarah asks multiple times a day when he is coming home, and she always adds that she misses him and can't wait for Saturday.

It was only a week. So far we have survived. Can we homeschool for college????

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