Thursday, August 12, 2010

Grace is.....

Grace is...

-a clock ticking away at 5:30pm and a dinner waiting to be started
-a child banging (creating music) on the piano
-a toddler chasing a kindergardener around the house in circles laughing hysterically as he tries to hit him with the very germy flyswatter (how did he find that, again?)
-a child attempting to send an email to a friend on the computer and needing help
-two dogs needing to be fed only to realize you are out of dog food
-laundry piling up in hampers around the house as you wonder, "start today or wait until Saturday?"
-finding yourself placing one more "this belongs upstairs, not down here" toy on the stairs to be returned at bedtime

...a smile erupting, a giggle surfacing, and joy overflowing my heart as I again realize how much I love my life and how truly blessed I am by the Lord!

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