Wednesday, December 22, 2010

you might be...

overworked and underpaid....or just pregnant with a pregnant brain if the following happens to you within 24 hours.

Take the kids to a friend's house for a cookie making party. Have a great time. Leave. Walk in the door at home. Realize 5 year-old's jacket is at friends house. Drive back to friend's house. Get jacket. Drive back home. A few hours later find oneself in need of diaper bag. Search house. Search car. Call same cookie friend. Drive back to friend's house to get diaper bag. Return home.

Next day take four children to mall for shoes for 3 young boys. (Always a bad idea). As a reward for good mall behavior take kids to mall's indoor play area. Leave play area after 10 minutes. Near exit doors realize 5 year-old is missing. Search. Search. Search again. Panic. Go to mall security. Begin to cry. After 7 or so agonizing minutes get reunited with 5 year-old (found by security guard and some kind mom). Cry harder. Hug a lot. Go home. Buy shoes online. Resolve to never take 4 kids to mall ever again. Ever.


Alix Bryant said...

This post made me cry just reading it and I'm not even pregnant! What a scary feeling. Hang in there, you're a great mom!

Amanda Vittitow said...

Oh no!!!! Sorry Jessica but glad everyone is safe and sound.