Tuesday, May 24, 2011

If time could stand still

I would remember happy days with a new baby who seems to be growing much faster than I would ever wish her to. They really don't stay small for all that long. Lucy's siblings adore her more every day...if that is possible. Max can be quite protective. Luke mentioned how he can't wait to see her toddle around the house. Sean makes sure she gets hugs and kisses every night (just how he made sure to hug and kiss my belly every night while pregnant). And Sarah is just so happy to have a sister...and today we shopped for some "matching outfits".


Amanda Vittitow said...

She's so beautiful!!!! Congrats to you all!!!!

The Thomas Team said...

She's so pretty! And looks like a Kelty! I'm glad you all are enjoying her and these first precious months. Looking forward to seeing her in person. Mara keeps checking to see if she'll still be "a little baby" when we go visit. :)