Sunday, February 25, 2007

"un-relaxing" weekend

I keep hoping we'll have a nice relaxing weekend, maybe next weekend. Saturday morning, Patrick and Sarah screened vision at a community health clinic. Well, Sarah made great creations out of glue, heart shaped rubber, and tongue depressors, while Patrick did the eye stuff. She was happy to tag along. Then we took the kids to the beach and the dog too! Sean loved the feel of the sand in his toes. I realized it was his first trip to the beach being a two legged walker now! He also realized the existance of the tide. After traversing the width of the beach he headed straight to the water's edge, only to see the water racing back towards him. He turned right around and ran back to dry sand. I got a good chuckle! The dog had a good beach walk and Sarah was happy as a clam to play in the sand. She probably loves the beach the most and immediately went to work and didn't stop until we left. Luke couldn't figure out why kids were SWIMMING in the 55 degree waters, nor could I! While the sun was warm and it was bout 65 degrees there was a strong, cool breeze....I cannot imagine how cold those kids were. After the beach we headed to one of Patrick's attending's house for a "Lowcountry Boil". We love that meal, and the kids had a fun time with theirs as they painted a new club house. Then we came back home for a quick clean up and jammies and then headed to friends' for a poker game. Today invovled mass for us all. Then the big boys went on a golf outing, while the little ones and I gave the house a good cleaning. We'll meet up with the boys for a post-golf oyster roast overlooking the beach. Luke will surely eat our family's share of oysters like last year. Anyhow, is it Monday yet?


Mary Janelle said...

Jessica Kelty! I saw "The Kelty Family" on Alix's page and was a amazed. Good for you! I'm glad to hear home-schooling seems to be going well, and that you're keeping your sanity throughout. I'm a little jealous of your beach and park time, but what do you do? Little Sean is adorable, and I can't believe he's growing so fast. Anyway, hello to Patrick, hello to you, and keep up the good work. :-)

Alix Bryant said...

I love your blog, but it makes me miss you guys and the kids SOOOO much! Give everyone a big squeeze from Trent and me! XOXOX