Monday, October 22, 2007

Love is.....

Today I discovered that love is......

Sewing Halloween and Saint Day costumes for your children. (that would mean 6 costumes!)

Patiently picking straight pins out of the carpet once your child decides the carpet makes a good pin cushion.

Suppressing the yelp when you "find" the last remaining pin in the carpet, that is now in the bottom of your foot.

Helping your child clean her room as she sobs that it is too messy to even begin.

Remaining patient when in the midst of the room cleaning you hear, "Mom I broke it and there is glass everywhere!"

Sweeping, dusting, and mopping shards of a glass picture frame from the floor, after sending the "offending son and dog" outside to play----with as much of a smile as possible.

Ignoring the wrinkly bed (mine) that was being used as a home base for both son AND DOG during an inside "ballgame".

Picking up the straight pins off of the kitchen floor after they were accidentally spilled by a child.

Sweeping and vacuuming the kitchen floor to find any stray pins.

Realizing the sewing machine somehow "broke" during the day and only mildly getting annoyed. Finding the repair shop for a quick drop off tomorrow. Saying a quick prayer that the sewing machine will be fixed shortly....there are still 3 costumes to make.

Picking up a needle and thread at 9:30 pm to see how long one can sew costumes by hand.

1 comment:

Alix Bryant said...

Jess, you really are such an inspiration to all of us Mom's. I can't tell you how many times a day I have to stop and ask myself "how would Jessica handle this?" and when I lose my temper anyway, I *always* think, "this is NOT how Jess would have dealt with the situation!!" You're kids are so lucky to have you!!