Monday, June 23, 2008

The "Twilight Zone"

I keep waiting for the theme song and the voice over.....because I think I'm in the "Twilight Zone". Late last week, I took Sean for his 3 year old check-up. Like all my kids, he loves going to the doctor. He listened to all the directions the doctor gave him, and he "performed" like a champ. Then the doctor announced the shots. Sean didn't flinch at the thought. The nurse came in, and I assumed the position all moms of little ones know. I held down his arms and legs and nurse prepared to jab. (Usually kids get scared about then....not Sean). The nurse stuck him and we awaited tears. There weren't any.....he didn't look scared, he didn't tighten up any muscle in response. He just talked to the nurse and me. I was a bit surprised, and told Sean he had one more to get. He said, "OK." She jabbed his other arm. He laughed and told us it tickled! I wish I had a video camera because while my other two do well with shots, none of them ever did this well. He got two bandaids, of which he was very proud. He asked for a lollipop. He gave high fives all around (mom, nurse, doctor, other nurses who were astonished as well). Then we strolled out. He looked like he "owned the place". Like I was the Twilight Zone. Oh yeah, and Sean's question for the doctor...."Do I pee in the cup like Mom?" No buddy, that is just for OB visits.

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