Friday, October 26, 2012

Never would have thought

Lately, Patrick and I have been laughing at those, "10 years ago, I never would have thought...." lines.  Mine usually involve the following:

Ten Years Ago:

1.  I never would have guessed I would have 6 children.
2.  I never would have guessed I would be homeschooling the kids.
3.  I never would have guessed I would live on 6 acres  (I always thought I'd live in a development)
4.  I never would have guessed I would drive a big, red bus.  Something must have gotten lost in translation with the Lord, because I always assumed it would be white BMW.
5.  I never would have thought laundry could take multiple days to complete, and that it never, ever ends.  This is my latest discovery in mothering a large brood.  I really dislike laundry.

But Patrick loved his latest moment of this game.  Laughing, he shared it with a patient at the office.  It involved a text message from me and it read.

"The garden you were working on was very pretty.  The goat found it.  She likes collard greens.  I am trying to keep her out using the dog and the boys with a hose.  I took pictures of the garden in case it doesn't work out."

Patrick muttered, "Who would have thought I would have a goat ten years ago?"  And his patient replied with, "What are you doing with goats?"

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