Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Advent Reading

I intend to put some personal notes on this blog, for no other reason than if they are here, then they are somewhere more reliable than a scrunched up napkin or back of a receipt like usual. Maybe, I will feel a bit more organized. This month is rather busy with many things, but most on my mind are advent activities. (Because my husband moved and unpacked us so quickly, I am making it to my projects!)

Anyhow, we are reading many books these days, and it is wonderful. My favorite children's author is Tomie dePaola, and lucky for me he has many wonderful advent and Christmas books. Here is the list we are reading this month. The best part is activities you can create to go along with the stories. Actually, I don't do much creating....I "borrow" others' ideas!

Merry Christmas Strega Nona
Country Angel Christmas
Our Lady of Guadalaupe
The Legend of the Pointsettia
The Clown of God
Jingle, the Christmas Clown
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
Story of the three wise kings
The Legend of old Befana
Francis, Poor Man of Assisi
Hark Sampler
The Night of Los Posadas

I can't say enough about the quiet, cuddly time we have reading and discussing the stories.

The best advent book I have is Jotham's Journey by Arnold Ytreeide. I got it last year, but I think it is out of print now and quite pricey on Amazon. However, it is wonderful. It follows a shepherd boy on his month of trials and somehow he finds his way into a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. It is a wonderful book on preparing for Christmas and anticipating the birth of the Savior. We read one chapter an evening, in a dimly lit room. Before the chapter begins, there is an Old Testament passage (usually Isaiah) that foreshadows the coming of Christ. It just so happens that most of these are included in Handel's The Messiah, so we listen to the appropriate song, if we can. Then when the chapter is over, we process to bed with candles singing Come, O Come Emmanuel. (The kids love the candle part). Anyhow try and get the book if you can. Our kids love the adventure story, and it blesses our family to focus on the real meaning of Christmas for the whole month!

I don't have any good prayer ideas for the advent wreath at dinner. We some Old Testament verses if we can.

I have used many ideas from this wonderful woman's blog.....check hers out for more ideas.

More on St. Nicholas Day tomorrow!

1 comment:

Brian and Staci said...

Jessica-- I happened on to your family's blog through mutual friend's--the Pierce's (my husband went to ortho school with Tim). I have to say you truly inspire me! I look forward to your posts every day! I am absolutely going to our library and seeing about every one of those books today--we too are Catholic and I'm trying to make this a very special Christmas season. I can't wait to hear more and am going to that site you referred to! Have a great day!
Staci Amy