Saturday, December 15, 2007

The "Change"

To most people, the change probably means moods swings, and hot flashes, but not to the mother of a toddler. To her, the prospect is much more stressful. The change happens when one morning you arise and realize your cute, snuggly, obedient, somewhat calm toddler has.....changed into something.....else. Like a defiant, stubborn, willful, driven, (did I mention stubborn) toddler. As of 3 days ago, we are undergoing the change in our house.

Looking on the start of this event for the third time, I can smile. Yes, life is in some ways harder these days because most things need to be done "myself". And clothes need changing mid-day, for no reason. And toothbrushing is painful....(for the toddler who will now be sat upon by mom, who will crank open his clenched jaws....there will be NO cavities), time-outs which did not exist before now happen daily....they happen for bodily harm inflicted on siblings, which never really happened before either.....but....

I now know these days that feel long, are really rather short. Whether it happens at 2, 3, or 4, it happens. And after a while, your sweet child returns, only with new adventures, abilities, and skills. Months from now sweet Sean will return....and by then he'll be pooping on the potty!!

This post can serve as the warning to all the relatives we will see on our Christmas adventure!

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