Monday, March 12, 2007

Questions for Mom

I worked a lot this weekend doing the real estate thing. It was crazy, but somehow choreographed well as Patrick and I met up several times and swapped off kids. While I worked yesterday, Patrick took the kids to the park for a picnic and the dog to the dog park for some play time. At some point I got a phone call from Luke, "Mom where is the dog brush?" That is a great question, as no one knows where I mysteriously hide items, myself included. A short time later I got another call...from Luke, "Hi mom, what are you doing?" A bit frazzled, I told him I was working, asked what Daddy was doing, and told him to tell Daddy that he was talking on the phone. A bit later, I got another call, from Luke, "Mom do you know where my rock is?" I replied, "What rock?" Luke said, "The rock I found at the park, today?" Having missed out on that adventure, I told him I hadn't seen the rock. "Well do you have a plan on how I could find it?" he asked. So I began the list of pockets, the couch, on the bathroom floor, etc.

Sometimes, they just need to talk to mom---that is when it is very hard to be away!

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