Thursday, March 15, 2007

Things I learned today

1. It is spring--which also means fall here in the Lowcountry. We have birds singing, azaleas and camellias in bloom, warm sunshine (it is 80 degrees!), and we are raking leaves.....yes apparently Live Oaks lose leaves in the spring. So we are raking and jumping in we I mean Patrick and the kids....I have floors to mop!

2. A 20 month old should have 2 pairs of tennis shoes. (One pair will get horribly dirty at big brother's baseball practice and need washing---the other pair will inevitably find the "only" hidden pile of dog-do in the yard).

3. Always check little shoes for dog-do after raking leaves. These shoes may somehow make their way in the house (on freshly mopped floors).

4. Be thankful for hardwoods instead of carpet due to item 3.

5. Any husband who willingly eats pizza at a business dinner, in order to bring the entree home to his wife is a wonderful, special, and generous man. He is extraordinary when the entree is a Maine Lobster roll--full of memories for his wife, and the biggest chunks of lobster claw meat I have ever seen!

6. Be thankful for friends who allow you to come to their house between appointments to "kill time". Be very, very thankful when multiple boys, brownies, and pluff mud are involved--they aren't getting your house dirty!

7. Try very hard to store in your memory these days that are passing to quickly. I will surely forget rosy cheeks after just waking up, a snuggly baby sucking his thumb and rubbing his blankie on his nose, the voracious appetite for food and books of a growing 6 year old, the joyous and LOUD voice of a 5 year old who finds excitement in everything, the way a 2 year old sings the ABC's getting every few letters correct.

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